Signs for
appointed times,
This may be my most important post to date. The ideas
expressed in these next few paragraphs are hard won. Yet the journey to acquire
these insights have been so remarkable that I would not change a thing.
Day four begins a new series of three and as such, it has
more in common or “unity” with day one than it does with the day that proceeded
it. Indeed the transition from the third to the fourth day can be most counter
intuitive. I will discuss that transition next week
14 Then God said, “Let there
be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night,
and let them be for signs and for *seasons* and for days and years; 15 and let
them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it
was so. 16 God made the two great
lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to
govern the night; He made the stars also. 17 God
placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to govern
the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness; and God saw
that it was good.19 There
was evening and there was morning, a fourth day. Genesis 1:14-19 NASB
The writer shows us that these celestial bodies
have two purposes the first of which is “as signs for
seasons, and for days and years” the secondary purpose, apparently, is
“to give light on the earth”. The writer goes on to speak of the greater light
to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. Much more is going
on here than simply providing light.
From this day forward it will be the sun and the
moon which will be used to explain the meaning of time and to identify
important times to those of us in on the revelation.
The writer shows the lights in the heavens as
created beings, not eternal. He does this by recording that they are created on
the fourth day. In other words they have a beginning and as modern researchers
now know, they also have an end. This is a very passive aggressive way to
demonstrate that the ancient pagan practice of worship of the sun, moon and
stars is meaningless and without merit.
Therefore we are subtly warned that these lights
above are not gods, but we are to pay attention to them, because it is by their
guidance, in collaboration with the revealed, that we will be able to identify
important elements of time including days and years.
But notice the phrase “for signs for seasons” in verse 14,
the word translated “seasons” is the Hebrew word “mow’ed”, Strongs number H4150.
The word mow’ed is best translated appointment or
appointed time. In other words the sun and moon will be used to guide us to
specific moments in time.
This is the purpose of this entire study, to
coordinate our efforts with the Creator’s timing. But what times you may ask?
If you recall in my introductory piece I mentioned
the Biblical Feast of Tabernacles and its significance concerning the release
of debts in the seventh year according to Deuteronomy 31:10 and the role it
played in identifying this pattern.
Take a look at Leviticus 23 verse 2 from the New
American Standard.
“The Lord’s appointed times which you
shall proclaim as holy
convocations—My appointed times are these:” Twice in this verse the term “appointed times” is used, both
clearly defined as God’s appointed times, both Strong’s H4150 “mow’ed”
Leviticus 23 goes on to define, by use of days
and moons many “mow’ed” including the 8 days that start on the 15th
day of the seventh moon which is the appointed time of Tabernacles. As a matter
of fact Leviticus 23 lays out its appointed times in the period of 7 lunar
cycles. Here is likely one more place to gain insight, concerning the pattern of
seven built in to creation.
Our modern calendars are designed to take us away
from the appointed times as proscribed by the celestial bodies of day four, but
to find our Creator’s appointments and rhythms we will need to return to a
calendar governed by the sun and moon.
The celestial lights do us no good on their own
but joined to the biblical revelation they set us up to be in time with the
rhythms of the Creator and his creation. Used properly they will enhance our work
and our rest.
Concerning day four itself, while it has no new
life in it, as day three had and may feel like a useless day to the naturalist.
It is actually a profoundly important moment, when a whole new standard is
being set. Be careful what you do on day four, as it will set the standard for
many days to come. Even more importantly, figure out how to put your life in
rhythm of the “mow’eds” of Leviticus 23. After all if our creator has appointed
times with his people, I can’t imagine anyone would want to miss them.
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