The transition from day three, to day four is a
disappointment for the logical thinker. We noted how everything suddenly made
logical sense in day three when water, light, air and bare ground suddenly
yielded the new life of vegetation. For the naturalist the hope is that we have
turned a corner and the logical growth of our enterprise will continue. Having
suffered through day one and day two he grasps the results of day three as
proof of better days ahead.
In day four however things on earth see no improvement at
all and instead new lights appear in the sky overhead. The naturalist has run
into a day that is all about setting standards. Most importantly standards of
time. Long term, the benefits of this day will become evident, but in the
moment, day four is a disappointment for anyone seeking a continuation or
improvement on the first set of three days.
Indeed day four is the beginning of its own set of three
days and in many respects just as the light of day one exposed chaos and
signaled that order was about to begin, so also the lights of day four signal
an opportunity to order, the most difficult concept of time.
The element of time in our world is a mystery, more often, simply
accepted than explored. More often taken for granted as normal, than thought of
as extraordinary. In order to harness this component of our lives, we moderns
have created a calendar which, using mathematical dates, simply moves forward
in a steady march, adding one day to the next, one month to the next and one
year to the next.
We barely think of the celestial bodies as time setters and
it seldom occurs to us that in some way, we may have lived this day before or
that history may have clues for us based on the rhythms of the celestial time
setters. Therefore we miss many opportunities for new beginnings and sound
endings. As a result our transitions in life are chaotic, halfhearted and often
forced due to circumstance.
And no wonder since by the end of day four our natural eyes
have seen one day, “day three” in which new life has been evidenced. Three of
four have been seemingly sterile or inert. Our patience continues to be tested.
It’s obvious now that day one and two where necessary for the new life of day
three. Day four returns us to testing mode and requires more grit and
determination. As our story develops it
will also become obvious, that the time setters of day four will also be of
great value.
We are about to experience life very unlike the life we were
so happy about back in day three. Day four is a time to set standards and
consider the times, look back over previous cycles and set out on a new or
maybe altered path. Like day one it’s a new beginning and we will need all our
tools and resources for success when day five is revealed.
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