Monday, April 21, 2014

#10 Day five, Behold the mobile biters

If day four was too boring for you, day five will make up for it. In day five we are about to experience new life in a very active and at times terrifying form.

Then God said, “Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.” God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good. God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” There was evening and there was morning, a fifth day. Genesis 1:20-23

A new life of swarming sea creatures and creatures capable of flight, fill the seas and the skies, showing clearly day five’s rhyme with day two’s creation of space separating water above from water below.

These creatures are not to be taken for granted or simply admired, because unlike the vegetation type life of day three these creatures have very unique capabilities.

Along with having physical bodies designed for travel in their element, water or sky. They have mouths, with teeth, they can bite, communicate with each other and they have brains and thus self-determination. They go where they wish often at very high speeds.

The plant life of day three is the base of their food chain but they also feed on each other and you, if they get a chance.

To survive and prosper in day five one needs good timing. Unlike the vegetation of day three which was immobile and could be harvested when you wished. The birds and fish of day five are a considerable challenge. Capturing them is very difficult and now they are eating the vegetation of day three as well as biting you when they get a chance.
Interestingly, the ecology is self-sustaining, in addition to the food chain, the plants produce the oxygen the birds and fish consume, while they in turn produce carbon dioxide which the plants consume.

The element of time marked by the celestial bodies of day four will now become crucial for any success. As any gathering of this new life will require being at the right place at the right time, with means and a plan

Opportunity in day five is huge, almost unimaginable, but the requirement is good timing and to be equipped to handle some very difficult creatures. Creatures who have the breath of life, a mind for self-determination and a body of flesh which can fly or swim with strength and skill.

If day four was a disappointment, day five will be a challenge, it can be very rewarding or it can be devastating.

I have to add that sitting here in spring of 2014 the above scene certainly reminds me of the business climate since the fall of 2008. All the assumptions that have developed since 1980 are under review and revision. The opportunities are huge so are the dangers.

Note: For this post I owe considerable credit to Jeff Benner and his insights concerning Strong’s #H2416 “chay” and #H5315 “nephesh” usually translated “living creature”. You can find his work at

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