Thursday, May 15, 2014

Three Rhymes

The kingdom of God is best revealed when we work together. I felt impressed this morning to post this verse in an attempt to explain why I have been writing for the seven and fifty community since January.

"Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others." Philippians 2:4

My purpose is to improve lives by highlighting the cycle of the sabbatical year. Shmita is just one, little noticed principle of scripture that I have been fascinated with and found helpful in my daily life.  In other words, dear reader, these posts have been my way of looking out for your interests. While at the same time, they have helped me, clarifying for myself the ebb and flow I have seen during my lifetime.

I posted the below piece back in January but felt that it would be wise to post it again as we enter early summer, approaching Shavuot (Pentecost). Some of you may have missed it or are just joining us.

One of the interesting rhymes concerning time, in the creation story is the is the link or parallel of day one to day four, day two to day five, and day three to day six.

Day one; Light - Day four; Sun moon and stars.

Day Two; Separation of waters to above and below with space between – Day 5; Birds for the space above, fish for the water below.

Day Three; Bare ground and plant life – Day 6 Mammals and Humans.

This week I want to encourage you to look back over some history. Specifically early summer of this particular year in the seven year pattern.

I suggest each of you think carefully about 1986, 1993, 2000 and 2007. Give some thought to what these years and the ones immediately following them looked like for you. Rather than making decisions based on what is occurring now or what occurred in recent years consider the events of these years in in your planning.

My guess is that we are in the sixth year and as we would be wise to at least begin preparing for the seventh year which I see as starting this fall. 

However regardless if my count correct or not 1986, 1993, 2000, and 2007 all should be the same year in the count.

One additional thought; I recommend you pay special attention to 1993 as the seven year time frame that it resides in, very likely has one of the rhymes to our present seven years in the pattern of what I described in the beginning of this piece.

My thought is that fall of 1992 to fall of 1993 is the sixth year of the second, seven year cycle and that fall of 2013 to fall of 2014 is the sixth year of the fifth, seven year cycle.

And even if my count is off, there is a good chance that 1993 rhymes more with 2014 than the others.

Think about it. 

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