Friday, September 5, 2014
Charisma Magazine?
This is so amazing!
I have been expecting something like this for a long time, but now that it has happened it almost takes my breath away. Charisma Magazine of all places calls for a return to God's calendar!
So Happy!
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Better days ahead?
past Wednesday the 27th of August was the first day of the Hebrew Month of Elul,
the sixth month, if you start a count at Nissan, the month of Passover.
the way there is a great smart phone app out there for converting dates from
the modern calendar to the Hebrew calendar produced by appstudio.
Therefore it’s the sixth month of the six year in what I count as the fifth, seven year cycle. If that sentence means nothing to you, reading my previous posts #1, #10 and #11 may help.
I want to focus on what we observed in the last six years. There
can be no doubt now that this seven year segment, which started in the fall of
2008 and is slated to end next fall, has bitten a lot a people just as you
would expect from the birds and fish of day five. It often seemed like buzzards
and sharks were the order of the day.
always some of us were at the right place at the right time and caught some of
that explosive new life but for many, this has truly been a difficult six years.
what situation you find yourself in now, this is not the time to panic.
Consider Noah’s story about the birds. He had survived a great tumult, but was
anxious to find out when things would get better. Sound familiar?
text tells us that;
The waters continued to
recede until the tenth month, and on the first day of the tenth month the tops
of the mountains became visible. After forty days Noah opened a window he had made in the ark and sent out a raven, and it kept flying
back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth. Then he sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the
surface of the ground. But the dove could find
nowhere to perch because there was water over all the surface of the earth; so
it returned to Noah in the ark. He reached out his hand and took the dove and
brought it back to himself in the ark. He waited seven more
days and again sent out the dove from the ark. When the dove returned
to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Then
Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth. He waited seven more days and sent the dove
out again, but this time it did not return to him. Genesis 8:5-12
let’s walk this through, you can make the case that the story is telling us
that the birds begin to fly from Noah’s ark the 10th day of the
eleventh month, 40 days after the tops of the mountains where seen on the first
day of the tenth month. The eleventh month can be considered a fifth month if
you count the seventh month as a new beginning, just as the Hebrew calendar
counts the seventh month, Tishrei, as the first month of the annual year. (I know
this is a difficult concept for westerners to get in our heads, you are going
to have to study it. There are plenty of sources out there to explain it)
7, 8, 9, 10, 11 could be thought of at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. I understand this is may
seem a reach, but is it not logical that a month with so much information about
birds, would have a fifth day connection?
the indication is that the raven left the ark on the tenth day of the month of
birds, month five. As each seven days
pass the indications improve. Of course right from the start the raven has no
problem, he has plenty of carrion to cleanup, so his food needs are taken care
of immediately. The next bird sent out is a dove which needs vegetation. The
dove soon returns as it cannot find even a perch. Interestingly the third time
a bird is sent out, the dove stays out till evening and returns with
vegetation, an olive leaf. (New life in the third) The fourth time Noah sends
out a bird, the dove does not return indicating the dove has found food and
the implication is that in a fifth day pattern, if things have been bad, they
begin to improve slowly as the fifth segment of time moves along. I feel
strongly that this is exactly what I have seen in the last six years, in other words
in my view the events of the fall of 2008 seem to have started a day five like,
pattern for this seven year segment which ends next fall.
I expect the business climate will continue to slowly improve as we begin this last
year of the fifth set of sevens. Things are still volatile, the buzzards and
the sharks are still out there but now the doves also start to find places to
rest and feed.
you go. How about that for an alternative way to read the Bible?
what you can as you prepare to remember the economic reset which should happen
next fall. If you find yourself a long way from where you wish you were, as we
head to the end of the seventh, take some comfort in the indication that things
are improving and from this passage out of Zephaniah.
“I will gather those who grieve about the appointed feasts—
They came from you, O Zion; The reproach of exile is a burden on them.
They came from you, O Zion; The reproach of exile is a burden on them.
Zephaniah 3:18 New American Standard Bible
Zephaniah has given me a lot of comfort over the
years with these words. Clearly the prophet is commending those who grieve the
appointed times, he recognizes that often we cannot do all that we wish we
could in regards to following all the revealed instruction about the appointed
Zephaniah is telling us that living in a place that ignores these things is a burden on those who wish to follow the instructions concerning the appointed times.
Zephaniah is telling us that living in a place that ignores these things is a burden on those who wish to follow the instructions concerning the appointed times.
That would be us.
remember, timing matters. But God looks on the Heart!
Saturday, August 16, 2014
”Mystery of the Shemitah”
Hi Everyone.
It’s been a while since I posted, my book’s first draft is
up to 58,000 words so we are getting there.
I wanted to let you know about another book coming out by
Jonathan Cahn called ”Mystery of the Shemitah”. It comes out September 4 you
can read parts of it on Amazon.
I have no idea what his ultimate conclusions are and take no
responsibility for them but thought I should let you know about his work. I
have seen him speak and he is a dynamo!
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Beginning of a Book
The “Know the
Time / Change Your World” post is meant to be the beginning of a book, as such it
will be my last weekly post for a while, maybe a long while. As you read “Know the Time / Change Your World”
you may get a sense of where I am headed.
I intend to regularly to monitor and follow up with my Google Plus
community and Blog. I will try to reply timely to anyone who posts to either. I
expect I will post every so often, however, my goal is to have a book completed
by early 2016 along with a 45 minute to an hour verbal and Power Point
presentation related to the content of the book. I would love to hear from
anyone who has questions or is interested in being a sounding board for my
“Seven and Fifty” projects.
Best wishes to each of as you
prepare for the Smitah year.
Know the Time / Change Your World
From antiquity, man’s fascination with time is
demonstrated in the remarkable archaeology still visible at places like
Stonehenge, the flat topped pyramids in South America, or Newgrange in Ireland.
The sun, moon, and stars seemed alive to ancient man and he came up with
stories, legends, gods and religions based on his imagination and his view of
the changing sky.
Today, we have a calendar which
adds one day to the next in a rising numerical progression. We still pay
attention to the changing seasons as we count through the twelve months of the
year. The term month has a connection to the lunar cycle even though our months
no longer consult the phases of the moon. We do, however, look carefully at the
rotation of the Earth around the Sun and our calendar is designed to closely
monitor the annual cycle.
As each year ends, we add a digit to our yearly count; a practice that
was arbitrarily started over 2,000 years ago. Another practice that affects our
measurement of time is the twenty-four hour times sixty minute day. This base
of sixty mathematical system has been used in one form or another since
Babylonian and Egyptian times. Therefore, what we have today is a breakdown of
three extraterrestrial cycles for the purposes of measuring time.
First, the rotation of the earth equals a day which we arbitrarily broke
down to twenty-four sixty minute hours. Second, the rotation of the moon around
the earth, which takes twenty-nine to thirty days, we arbitrarily broke into
months and then solidified them in the annual calendar which is based on the
third extraterrestrial cycle we use to determine time, the annual cycle of the
Earth around the Sun. We view the annual cycle as the most important cycle since
it effects our seasons of planting and harvest. (This idea apparently has its
origins in the Greco/Roman period.) All of this has a certain logic to it and
is normal to us. In our part of the world, much of North America, corn is
planted April or May and harvested in September or October. The sun’s angle on
the earth is at a very similar angle on May 1, year after year, thus giving
confidence that a warm spell in late April or early May should mean that frost
is over for this growing season and planting should proceed.
That the time element of a single day is broken down as it is also has a
logic; high noon or 12 o’clock, should mean the sun is directly overhead and at
its zenith or highest point. (Daylight Savings Time is a whole other subject.)
It seems our modern sense of time is mostly affected by the sun; its turning on
its axis gives us our days and its rotation around the sun gives us our years.
Our modern months are a nod to the old lunar calendar, but we rarely connect
the phase of the moon to any element of time which affects our lives.
This leaves one mysterious element of time in our modern lives, the
seven day week. While all the other elements of time have clear connection to
some celestial rotation, the seven day week has no anchor in an extraterrestrial
cycle. Follow me for a moment; 60 seconds times, 60 minutes times, 24 hours makes
a complete day, 365 days make a complete year. (Of course, every four years we
have to add a day for leap year to keep things on track.) Even our months, though
not tied specifically to the moon's cycle, are set up to range from
twenty-eight to thirty-one days at least closely resembling the old lunar moon.
But a week hinges on what? How did week come to be and what is its
story? How did a seven day time element become so important having no celestial
This is a study of those seven days; how
they came to be, how they changed the world and how a little imaginative use of
them can improve your life and change our world.
The story goes that a young man was
kidnapped by his jealous brothers and sold into slavery. More than twenty years
later, those same brothers were standing in front of him begging for food and
worried for their lives. Joseph’s story has a key element, not of seven days,
but seven years; in fact two sets of seven years. One set of seven fat years
and one set of seven lean years. Interestingly this story, found in the first
book of Hebrew Bible, seems to echo some elements of the seven day creation
story found in the very beginning of the Hebrew Scriptures. It would be
difficult indeed to divorce our modern practice of a seven day week from that
well know writing, Genesis chapter one.
But if Joseph’s story implies value to seven years, could it be that
there is significance not only for the seven day week which we practice to this
day, but for seven years? Indeed, the foundational Biblical texts known as the
five books of Moses includes instructions for not only seven days, but also
seven months and seven years and also seven sets of seven years; in other
words, forty-nine years to which one additional year is added to create a fifty
year Jubilee cycle.
Absolutely none of these segments of time has any obvious connection to
the celestial cycles of the sun, the moon, or the stars. There is no obvious
sign in the sky when these sevens begin or end. For many, it is a question that
they exist or have value at all, yet the fact is, that the seven day week
endures. Could it be a sign to us that the others are out there somewhere also?
Could it be that though modern man often does his best to ignore a seven day
week, its persistence in sticking around is telling us we need to consider the
other sets of seven laid out in the ancient texts?
What did Joseph know? Was he just lucky? Is it just a story? Even if it
is just a story, what was the story teller trying to communicate? Is it any
more unusual to contemplate old words or stories and what they mean than to
ponder old structures or archaeology findings and what they tell us about our ancestors?
The Books of Moses are unique in many ways, but in their use of a
variety of seven segments of time, the Hebrew Bible stands alone and seems to
beg us to explore its unusual ways.
Friday, May 23, 2014
The years since Y2K
In the last fourteen years the market place has been amazing
in its confirmation of the seven year cycle. In each set of seven it would have
been wise to unload what was hot early in year six and be out of debt in year
seven. In 2000 the internet bubble sprang a leak in March. But though out that
spring and summer opportunities to move to safety where available as the Nasdaq
rallied back to prices still 25% higher than they had been the previous summer.
By fall however the down trend was reconfirmed and by the time terrorists flew
our planes into the World Trade center and the Pentagon a year later, no one
doubted that the internet bubble was over. Enron and World Com where shown to be frauds
and the whole economy was in a shambles.
If as I believe the fall of 2001 ended a seven year cycle
then the next seven years was overwhelmed by the run up of housing prices. In the fall of 2002 prices on homes started
to move up very quickly. For the first time in recent memory, to buy a home one
often needed to offer more than the listing price to become the buyer, if you
did not, someone else would offer more, leaving you still looking. As the 00’s
ticked by the mortgage market seemed to be in full support of higher housing
prices. Indeed banking as a whole was very aggressive at marketing loans for
almost any item, housing or otherwise. The excesses are now well known, the
exact top of the housing market is thought to be in early 2006 but serious
declines did not happen until late summer of 2008 when the world’s banking
system nearly melted away. Leading to some of the most non-free-enterprise
actions ever taken by western governments.
The result was lower prices for not only homes but stocks
and almost any other consumer item. The banking crisis would have a long term de-leveraging
effect causing drag in the economy for years.
Now as we come to the end of another set of seven one has to
wonder, what is the excess this time? The stock market has had a nice recovery
from the 2009 lows, Housing has recovered a bit but is by no means over heated.
The one thing that seems impossibly priced is interest rates. That 10 year
United States Treasury bonds trade at 2.5% is remarkable. Some have argued that
we are in a bond bubble. Maybe so but I
don’t see any excitement to buy 10 year bonds at 2.5%. Unlike the internet
bubble or the housing bubble no one is buying these bonds with dreams of riches,
rather they are being bought almost as a last resort and mostly by the Federal
Reserve. Which is a whole other subject.
My point in all this is, that as I sit here in the late
spring of 2014, it seems to me that this cycle may very well pass in similar
fashion to the first one I observed after becoming aware of this cycle. Having
discovered Deuteronomy 15 in the summer of 1991. At that time I became convinced
that fall of 1994 was the end of the second cycle of seven years since the
Jubilee of 79/80.
I personally made my preparations and was as far out of debt,
as I could reasonably be, at that point. Selling our home and taking a rental
for a few years and otherwise simply becoming very conservative until the
beginning of the new set of seven years.
Interestingly the years from 1987 to 1994 where very similar to the
years of this current cycle. It seemed the combination of the stock crash of
1987 and the first Gulf war had kept most excesses out of the market place and
the end of that cycle passed rather uneventfully.
As I pointed out in last week’s post at this point I expect
this cycle’s end to pass rather similar to 1994. But you never know and
Deuteronomy’s direction to be de- leveraged is still the ideal. The one area of
serious risk I see is Geo political, think about the Jubilee cycle and its 50
year pattern for a moment, WW1 started 100 years ago in the summer of 1914 and
the US civil war ended in 1865, a little more than 150 years ago. Both these
events created a dynamic shift in the economic picture. Of course Vietnam also
started to heat up around this time 50 years ago, so some of the world events
we are hearing about give me more pause than usual.
On the optimistic side the wars and shake ups we have seen
in the Middle East in recent years make me hopeful that a new dynamic emerges
in that part of the world which could open a new chapter for Freedom, Justice
and Economic expansion for the world.
If the fall of 2015 does pass uneventfully then I expect the
next seven years to pattern 1994 to 2001 in which case some of those internet
dreams may actually come to fruition. Pondering again the Jubilee pattern, in
the summer of 2019 we will celebrate 50 years since man first walked on the
moon. We could see some very interesting things between now and 2022
While now is the time to be preparing for Smitah. Once you are prepared for the Sabbatical year
it is also wise to be thinking about how to participate in the next seven years.
As you can see Deuteronomy 15 really can help you become a long term thinker
and goal oriented.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Three Rhymes
The kingdom of God is best revealed when we work together.
I felt impressed this morning to post this verse in an attempt to explain why I
have been writing for the seven and fifty community since January.
"Do not merely look out for your own
personal interests, but also for the interests of others." Philippians 2:4
My purpose is to improve lives by highlighting the
cycle of the sabbatical year. Shmita is just one, little noticed principle of scripture that I have been fascinated with and found helpful in my daily life. In other words, dear reader, these posts have
been my way of looking out for your interests. While at the same time, they have
helped me, clarifying for myself the ebb and flow I have seen during my lifetime.
I posted the below piece back in January but felt that
it would be wise to post it again as we enter early summer, approaching Shavuot
(Pentecost). Some of you may have missed it or are just joining us.
One of the interesting rhymes concerning time, in the
creation story is the is the link or parallel of day one to day four, day two
to day five, and day three to day six.
Day one; Light - Day four; Sun moon and stars.
Day Two; Separation of waters to above and below with
space between – Day 5; Birds for the space above, fish for the water below.
Day Three; Bare ground and plant life – Day 6 Mammals
and Humans.
This week I want to encourage you to look back over
some history. Specifically early summer of this particular year in the seven
year pattern.
I suggest each of you think carefully about 1986, 1993,
2000 and 2007. Give some thought to what these years and the ones immediately
following them looked like for you. Rather than making decisions based on what
is occurring now or what occurred in recent years consider the events of these
years in in your planning.
My guess is that we are in the sixth year and as we
would be wise to at least begin preparing for the seventh year which I see as
starting this fall.
However regardless if my count correct or not 1986, 1993,
2000, and 2007 all should be the same year in the count.
My thought is that fall of 1992 to fall of 1993 is the
sixth year of the second, seven year cycle and that fall of 2013 to fall of
2014 is the sixth year of the fifth, seven year cycle.
And even if my count is off, there is a good chance
that 1993 rhymes more with 2014 than the others.
Think about it.
Friday, May 9, 2014
The Riddle of 1980: Was it the beginning of our current Jubilee Cycle?
In the summer of 1980, the Israeli Parliament declared the
city of Jerusalem to be the undivided, eternal capital of the State of Israel,
established as such by King David almost 3,000 years earlier.
To counter the howls of international disapproval, Christians
gathered in Jerusalem that autumn. They established the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. They declared their love for Israel and celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem for the first time in response to
Zechariah 14:16-19.
Did this event in the fall of 1980 mark the beginning of a new fifty-year Jubilee cycle? Those of us with gray hair now look back at the early 1980’s in wonder.
Consider these new beginnings for freedom in the early 80’s: Solidarity, a Polish non-government trade union led by Lech Walesa, arose in the Lenin shipyard in August, 1980. It was a "camel’s nose under the tent" for the Soviet Union and would result in freedom for many people in Eastern Europe and around the world.
Did this event in the fall of 1980 mark the beginning of a new fifty-year Jubilee cycle? Those of us with gray hair now look back at the early 1980’s in wonder.
Consider these new beginnings for freedom in the early 80’s: Solidarity, a Polish non-government trade union led by Lech Walesa, arose in the Lenin shipyard in August, 1980. It was a "camel’s nose under the tent" for the Soviet Union and would result in freedom for many people in Eastern Europe and around the world.
In her piece, “We want God”, Peggy Noonan connects the
events of 1980 to John Paul’s visit to Poland a year earlier. She goes on to cite the
roles of Margret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan in one of the greatest freedom
movements the world has seen.
However, the East was not the only place experiencing new beginnings at this moment in time. In the West also, freedom was growing and becoming more
valued. Old regulations on trucking, airlines, and other forms of transportation
were modified; regulations were lifted on petroleum as well. Travel increased
at considerably lower costs. As this new
mindset of freedom spread, taxes all over Europe and America were reduced.
Additionally, the computer and the cell phone began
their rise in the West. At the 1981 Comdex Show in Las Vegas, IBM presented its PC loaded with MS-DOS, complete with a 477 MHZ 8089 processor and a 5.25” 160k floppy
drive. The clones of the IBM PC, the cell phone, and the
internet followed shortly, changing forever our means of efficiency and
communication. Some would argue these things have not made us freer, but no one
seems willing to return the technologies of the 1970’s.
Nevertheless, I believe the most significant change of this era occurred in July, 1980 when the Nation of Israel declared Jerusalem as their
undivided, eternal capital, established as such by King David 3000 years
earlier. The nations of the world protested. Thirteen national
embassies in Jerusalem closed. Resolutions condemning Israel for this
action where passed at the United Nations in New York.
Then a remarkable thing happened. In the fall of 1980, a group of Christians-- from nations all over the world--came to Jerusalem. Waving their national flags and carrying signs declaring, “Israel, we love you”, they marched through the streets in a first-ever Christian celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem. This parade continues annually
to this day.
Go here for pictures of the 2013 event:
At the same time--in the fall of 1980--these Christians established the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem to let the state of
Israel know they had friends in the world.
Link here for the history of ICEJ
Learn this riddle: The people whom Jeroboam tried to
keep from returning to Jerusalem 2,700 years ago for the Feast of Tabernacles are
now back; they are in Jerusalem annually, celebrating freedom at the Feast of
Tabernacles, declaring a love for Israel and a Son of David as their king.
(1 Kings 12)
The world changed in the seventh month of 5741
(September, 1980). It will never be the same again. The die is cast and each
cycle of seven years brings us closer to the culminating event. With one eye on 1980
and another on what I expect is the upcoming Jubilee of 2029-2030, watch and
be a part as your world changes to reflect the visions of the Hebrew prophets.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
In defense of a Fiftieth year Jubilee
First, I am going to suggest we take the reading of the
text at face value.
‘You are also to count off seven Sabbaths of years for
yourself, seven times seven years, so that you have the time of the seven
Sabbaths of years, namely, forty-nine years. You shall then sound a ram’s horn abroad on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of
Atonement you shall sound a horn all through your land. You shall thus consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim a release through the land to all its
inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you, and each of you shall return to his own property, and each of you shall return to his family. Leviticus 25:8-10
The most
simple reading of the text brings you to the logical conclusion that the 50th
year is a Jubilee and after the Jubilee you start with a new count in year one.
This view is consistent with the view of the classical Rabbis. (Those teachers of
whom we have record of before the Romans destroyed the temple in 0070)
I also
count Noah’s story as evidence.
lived one hundred and eighty-two years, and became the father of a son. Now he called his name Noah, saying, “This one
will give us rest from our work and from the toil of our hands arising from the ground which the Lord has cursed.” Genesis
When Noah
was born they said” This one will give us rest” six hundred years later he survived
the flood
“Now Noah was six hundred years old when the flood
of water came upon the earth.” Genesis 7:6
And the text tells us he
went out, on to his own land, in the six hundred and first
“Now it
came about in the six hundred and first year, in the first month, on the first of the month, the water was dried
up from the earth. Then Noah removed the covering of the ark and looked and
behold, the surface of the ground was dried up. In the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of
the month, the earth was dry. Then God spoke to Noah, saying, “Go out of the ark, you and your wife and your
sons and your sons’ wives with you.” Genesis
I expect
Noah was born on a Jubilee and that is why they named him Noah (which means
rest) and exclaimed “this one will give us rest” and I expect he was in the ark
during a Jubilee six hundred years later and went out onto his own land in the
first year after the Jubilee. For all this to work the Jubilee calendar
obviously needs to be 50 years.
has something for us as well. The 70 year exile he predicted also give us
useful evidence.
He brought up against them the king of the Chaldeans who slew their young men ….Then they burned the house of God and broke down the
wall of Jerusalem, and burned all its fortified buildings with fire and
destroyed all its valuable articles. Those who had escaped from the sword he carried away to Babylon… to fulfill the word of
the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed its Sabbaths. All the days of its desolation it kept Sabbath until seventy years were complete. 2 Chronicles 36:17-21
As Judah
goes into exile in the 580’s BCE, Jeremiah pronounces seventy years of exile
because the Sabbaths had been ignored. If you consider that each 50 years
should have had 8 sabbatical years, seven Shmitas and one Jubilee then a
mathematical calculation could be set up to establish how long it was since
these things where in practice (70/8) X 50 = 437.5 years since the Sabbatical
years where kept. Add 437.5 to 582 BCE and you find yourself in the approximate
time frame of Saul and David. I am not trying to be exact here I am just
pointing out that if the sabbatical years where kept if at all was very early
in the united monarchy and it very quickly fell out of use. Indeed Ezekiel 20
gives us the sense that Sabbath keeping was never done very well.
If the Sabbatical
years where not kept for over 400 years while Israel and Judah where in the
land then it is very unlikely that Sabbatical years were kept during the exile
or the very stressed years of the returned exiles under Ezra and Nehemiah and
the later occupation of the Greeks and Romans.
So if
this is the case then, it was over one thousand years since the abandonment of
Sabbatical years that Yeshua (Jesus) shows up on the scene. I believe that this
story from Luke has some information for us.
And He
came to Nazareth, where He had
been brought up; and as was His custom, He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath,
and stood up to read. And the book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to
Him. And He opened the book
and found the place where it was written,
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor.
He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives,
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set free those who are oppressed,
To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.”
Because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor.
He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives,
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set free those who are oppressed,
To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.”
And He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant and sat down; and the eyes of all in the
synagogue were fixed on Him. 21 And He
began to say to them, “Today
this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” Luke 4:18-21
passage Yeshua quotes is from Isaiah 61 and goes on to talk about the
restoration of the land to the people of Israel. (see Isaiah 61:4 below) This language
can only be Jubilee correlated as the return of the land is only at the 50 year
Jubilee. (see Leviticus 25) Land does not return to its original owners in the
other seventh years.
they will rebuild the ancient ruins,
They will raise up the former devastations;
And they will repair the ruined cities,
The desolations of many generations. Isaiah 61:4
They will raise up the former devastations;
And they will repair the ruined cities,
The desolations of many generations. Isaiah 61:4
contend that Yeshua was re-establishing the date of Jubilee and that this event
had to happen in the late 0020’s or very early 0030’s. I expect it was the fall
of 0029.
Can I
prove it? No, but it seems to fit what we see in the modern market place.
intend to be generous here to all other points of view but our focus is to be
looking for rhymes, parallels and patterns. If the evidence leads us to another
conclusion so be it, we need to be sure that we are not trying to force round
pegs in square holes.
as of this moment the modern rabbinic count is the same as what I have proposed
here but in 2029-2030 their count will become year one, in contrast to what I
see as a fiftieth year. As a result for the next 15 years our counts for Shmita
agree. This may be a very wonderful opportunity to work together to restore
Jewish group called Hazon is doing their part to remind the world of Shmita you
can find them
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
#14 Sabbath, Return to the Covenant.
This post brings us full circle back to day seven.
I started this discussion of seven segments of time with
the unusual approach by addressing the last segment, day seven first. As I
explained, my reason for this approach is because Human, was created last on
the sixth day and therefore experiences, day seven, Sabbath, a day of rest, as
his first day.
The obvious implication for humanity is, day seven “rest”
comes before “the work” of day one through six. So which is most important work
or rest?
There are six days set apart for work. However for
humanity, the day for rest is first. Creating a rather interesting balance, a
narrow path, if you will. Work is clearly important, as there are six days set
apart for it. However rest’s day has the unique importance of being first for
humanity. One cannot help but think of Jesus’ words in Mark 2:27 “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for
the Sabbath.”
None the less
answer to “Which is more important?” has to be, they are both important and one
cannot replace the other. For those humans who are unmotivated and inclined to sloth,
the narrow walk of faith is clear “work six”. For those inclined to never rest,
the narrow walk of faith is also clear, “rest first, on the seventh day, month,
year or seventh set of seven years” to prepare for the six of work to come. In
either rest or work having the order correct and the elements of time in their
proper place, appears to be of great value.
idea of preparation for the six of work to come, shows itself clearly for the
household of faith in Deuteronomy 15 and 31. Israel is instructed to release
all debts, as a way to have its economic system in a state of maximum
flexibility, as it comes to the seventh month of the seventh year.
There are also instructions to release slaves and to rest the agricultural land.
There are also instructions to release slaves and to rest the agricultural land.
of these would have also had the economic effect of reset or new beginnings for
the upcoming six years of work. They each demonstrate a willingness to lay down
“our work” and fervent belief in new birth, life from the dead, and hope beyond
what our eyes can see.
me the adaptation of these concepts to modern life has a uniquely powerful
draw. How much more effectively could we be with our economic resources if we
adapted these ideas to our lives? But how? How do we return to this system?
What are the steps? Where do we start?
Some time ago, I ran across Jeff Benner’s white paper on the Hebrew word Shabbat.
In his piece Mr. Benner tells us that when considering
the word Shabbat using the ancient, Paleo script, one comes to understand
“Shabbat” as having a core meaning “return to the covenant”
But what covenant? There are a number of covenants in the
bible but one sticks out as a uniquely, “rest first” covenant. In Genesis 15 the covenant God makes with Abram is
completed when a mysterious open flame and a glowing red hot furnace passes
between cut up pieces of animals. The
passage records that Abram is asleep and in great darkness when this happens.
In other words he is at rest. His works will follow but for the moment of
receiving the covenant, he was at rest.
So also it appears, every time we rest in a set apart,
seventh segment of time, we also are joining or rejoining Abram’s “rest first” covenant,
or as Mr. Benner’s word pictures suggests we “return to the covenant”. After
all, it was while he was at rest that Abram received a whole new direction and
expectation for his life. I expect rest, as proscribed in the seventh segment
of time, can and will open a new beginning for us as well.
In doing so, our six of work will become more fulfilling
and productive. Even more important, we will begin to have the means to fulfill
another of God’s’ promises to Abram. “In you shall all the nations of the earth
be blessed” Genesis 12:3
A close study of Revelation 1 will reveal the identity of
that mysterious open flame and a glowing red hot furnace. Therefore our study
ends where it began resting in day seven, anticipating the LIGHT of day one.
Monday, April 21, 2014
#13 The Transition from day five to day six, DECISION TIME IS NOW!
This may be the most fluid transition of the whole set. The
flying and swimming “Nephesh Chay” (Strong’s H5315 and H2416) are now joined by
the land walkers and runners. The hard and dangerous work of figuring out how
to handle day five’s critters, relatively easily transfers to the management of
the first set of day six’s created beings.
However it should be expected that systems and relationships
will become more complex.
The creation of Human in day six signals that a “God like”
being has entered the arena and from now on his role will affect the rest of
creation for good or evil.
All of creation now awaits Human’s decision…. Will he rest
and worship the Creator or will he plunge ahead, continuing to try to improve
his enterprise, in essence worshiping the works of his hands?
Signs of his decision will be evident in day six, since if
he plans to rest and worship he will be in the mode of preparation and
gathering in day six. On the other hand if he plans to ignore the day of rest
he will be setting things up with the intent to build and grow his enterprise
in a liner fashion without regard for the revealed.
Sometimes he may get away with this lack of respect for his
Creator, but eventually there will be a day of reckoning. The concurring sets
of seven days, months, years and sets of seven years, all running
simultaneously, causes these reckonings to appear random and convinces an
untrained eye that our world is not understandable or ordered.
However a trained eye can see clear purpose of each segment
of time. In many respects creation is as
much about division of one element from another, as it is about adding new
elements. Early on elements are moved from where they were before to
new defined, purposeful locations. For
example the water becomes restricted to its place above and below in day two
and later, farther restricted to the seas, lakes and rivers creating bare
ground as the place for plants in day three.
Each new day brings new physical structures or beings into
the arena but these new creations are set in their place apart from those that
came before.
Fish are given the water, birds the air and mammals and
human the land. All of these are also separated into male and female form. Therefore
not only are these beings created but they are properly set in their habitation,
each with their unique role.
As you may recall the element of time came into being in day
four with the advent of the sun, moon and stars. This division of time has some
very unique characteristics. Its role in our lives is huge yet without the
revelation, it’s as though there is nothing we can do with or about time, except
to march through it, one day after another. However the information revealed by the biblical counts of seven shows division, separation and specific purpose
for each segment of time. They also explain the reckonings that happen from
time to time, to those who ignore the revealed appointments.
Human as the last created being, given the right to rule,
has a decision to make, If he chooses to ignore the appointed times the Creator
set, then the divisions so neatly organized by the divine hand will begin to
break down and the chaos of Genesis 1:2 will begin to creep back into our
ordered world.
Next week we will explore the antidote for this creeping
chaos and the gift that allows the return to the divine order.
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